Saturday, March 23, 2019

Wayanad Tourism Places in kerala.

Wayanad Tourism Places in kerala. Tourism Attractions in the District of Wayanad. Chembra Peak Neelimala Meenmutty waterfalls Chethalayam Pakshipathalam Banasura Sagar Dam With its wildlife, historical caves, stunning cascades and beautiful green hills, these are top attractions in #Wayanad. ...

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dindi Resorts, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dindi Resorts-Razole,Andhrapradesh Dindi offers various range of staying options to visitors i.e relaxing stroll along the riverbank. Back water boating and a wonderful cruise experience,  houseboat facilities etc. all the facilities offered by Andhra Pradesh tourism. The fully air-conditioned boats featuring a sit-out and dining area on the deck are remarkable. Haritha Resorts has three cottages and is built in the middle of a beautiful...